Last update 10/25/23
Del Marinello
Acrylic/ Mixed Media Artist
1886 W. Placita de Agosto
Green Valley, Arizona 85622
See my Statement & Biography
View some of my recent paintings on the following pages, All are available for sale!
Prices do not include shipping. Paintings can be purchased by contacting me through the comment page, email or phone. I am also pleased to accept commissions, appointments to view my work, or to place my art in public venues. See below for the image of my headline painting, with details.
I would love your comments, please fill out the Comment Page or reach me by phone 520-904-6113 or email: [email protected]. See my work on the website:

I live in Southern Arizona, and usually show locally. I am a Saguaro Fellow of the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild (highest category available); a member of the Tubac Center for the Arts; Santa Rita Art League; Community Performance & Art Center in Green Valley. I also frequently show at The Herberger Theater in Phoenix and online in the "Light, Space & Time Gallery" & the Gray Cube Gallery. I am privileged to volunteer for some of these organizations and I participate, in most, if not all, their sponsored exhibits.
Last winter, I won awards in the LightSpaceTime Online Gallery, a Special Merit Award in the Abstract Art Exhibit for "Jukebox Saturday Night, and an "The Award of Excellence" for my painting "Turbulence" in the Southern AZ Watercolor Guild's "Experimental Exhibit" in May, see them all on the New Paintings page. I currently have paintings in The Tubac Center for the Arts Members Show, Tubac, AZ and 2 paintings at the Desert Hills Center Auditorium, in Green Valley.
I am excited to announce an Open Studio on Nov. 11, Saturday 11 am - 4 pm at my home studio, 1886 W. Placita de Agosto, Green Valley, AZ 85622. Everyone is invited to see my new paintings, prints and cards. hope to see you all there!
As always, please call or email for an appointment, if you need direction to any of the shows or wish to view my work in my studio. I am always happy to visit you at home to create the perfect painting for your special place! I love commissions, unlike many local artists!!
Meanwhile, stay safe & stay healthy. Best wishes to everyone.
Last winter, I won awards in the LightSpaceTime Online Gallery, a Special Merit Award in the Abstract Art Exhibit for "Jukebox Saturday Night, and an "The Award of Excellence" for my painting "Turbulence" in the Southern AZ Watercolor Guild's "Experimental Exhibit" in May, see them all on the New Paintings page. I currently have paintings in The Tubac Center for the Arts Members Show, Tubac, AZ and 2 paintings at the Desert Hills Center Auditorium, in Green Valley.
I am excited to announce an Open Studio on Nov. 11, Saturday 11 am - 4 pm at my home studio, 1886 W. Placita de Agosto, Green Valley, AZ 85622. Everyone is invited to see my new paintings, prints and cards. hope to see you all there!
As always, please call or email for an appointment, if you need direction to any of the shows or wish to view my work in my studio. I am always happy to visit you at home to create the perfect painting for your special place! I love commissions, unlike many local artists!!
Meanwhile, stay safe & stay healthy. Best wishes to everyone.

"Desert Exploration"
Original Acrylic on Arches 140 Paper
15.5" x 12", white mat, black metal frame.
Celebrating the wonders of the desert.
Price: $300.00
"Desert Exploration"
Original Acrylic on Arches 140 Paper
15.5" x 12", white mat, black metal frame.
Celebrating the wonders of the desert.
Price: $300.00